Ora Et Labora
Second Saturday of every month, April through November

Ora Et Labora Days
In the spring and summer, the Children of Mary usually have Ora et Labora Days (Pray and Work Days) at Emmanuel in Newark, OH. Everyone is invited, young and old, individuals and families, to come spend some time praying and working with the Sisters.
Before coming to the Land, please take a moment and VISIT OUR DRESS CODE PAGE
Holy Mass
12:00pm LUNCH
Main dish and drinks will be provided - you may bring a side dish or sack lunch.
Divine Mercy Chaplet
You are welcome to stay for Chanting of Evening Prayer beginning at 5:00pm.
There is a lot of work to do on the 180 acres of land: clearing brush, working in the flower gardens and vegetable garden, cutting up fallen trees, carpentry work, painting, etc. There is plenty of inside work also - for those who can't do manual labor.
To RSVP for an Ora et Labora Day, call 740-323-1977 or email us at childrenofmarysisters@gmail.com with:
your name
how many will be attending
ages of those attending.
We look forward to seeing you!