Vocation Retreat


Vocation Discernment with Children of Mary


If God is calling you to religious life, He is also calling you to a particular Community.

 Could He be calling you to Children of Mary?

 A vocation discernment retreat will be some of the most important days of your life--a grace-filled time away to listen to His gentle inspirations and to discern the path He has marked out for you from all eternity.

Women are welcome to come for discernment retreats on an individual basis.


What to expect on retreat?

Immersion in the life of the Sisters! There’s no better way to discern religious life with a particular Community than to enter into that life and get a taste of it for yourself. So put away the cell phone, the computer and all the other technologies (so as to not be distracted) as you enter into the great silence, the prayer, the work, the recreation; the life of the Sisters. (You can give loved ones our phone number in case of emergency.)


What to bring

  • Clothes for work and for prayer (Please review our dresscode)

  • A Bible and a journal. Spiritual Reading will be provided.

  • Liturgy of the Hours (if you have it)

  • Yourself! (with an open and generous heart!)


Vocation Discernment

If you are interested in finding out more about Religious Life, or would like to visit the Children of Mary, please email us at childrenofmarysisters@gmail.com with your name, phone/address, and a little bit about yourself! Or call 513-713-0432.