Our Charism
Let's shout from the rooftops,
"Jesus, I love You in the Most Blessed Sacrament!"
“I so ardently thirst to be loved by men in the Most Blessed Sacrament
that this thirst devours Me...”
(Jesus words to St. Margaret Mary)
Why does Jesus want us to love Him in the Most Blessed Sacrament? The angels were asked to love and serve God under the appearance of bread--a species far beneath them in dignity. Satan and his dominions were too proud to fall down and worship God under the appearane of a man. In the Holy Eucharist we are asked to love and adore God under the appearance of bread--a species far beneath us. To humble ourselves and humbly adore God under the appearance of bread, believing Jesus, Who is Truth Himself, when He said, "This is My Body," will fill our souls with grace and cause a torrent of grace to flood the world.
St. Faustina prayed, "Lord, divinize me by the Holy Communion I receive each day." It is a Person we receive in Holy Communion! Jesus is true God and true man, but He is only one Person--the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. We receive in Holy Communion God Incarnate risen from the dead. We receive Jesus, His divinized glorified Body and Blood. This Sacred Food, received worthily, transforms those who love Him.
The Heart of Jesus is most wounded by the indifference of people toward His presence with us in the Holy Eucharist. He thirsts to be loved in the Most Blessed Sacrament, because we become like that which we love--and He longs for us to be one with Him. He calls us as members of Children of Mary to tell His people that He loves them and is with them. We proclaim this message first and foremost by our reverent participation in Holy Mass and loving and adoring Him in the Eucharist, which brings much grace to us and to the world. We proclaim it by faithfully following the Rule and by living lives of virtue and charity towards all people. We proclaim it by spreading the truths of the Faith
With simplicity of heart
I have joyfully offered everything to you, my God!
“Behold the Heart which has so loved men that it has spared nothing, even to exhausting and consuming Itself, in order to testify It’s love: and in return, I receive from the greater part only ingratitude
by their irreverence and sacrilege and by the coldness and contempt they have for Me in this Sacrament of Love...
I feel this more than all that I suffered during My Passion. If only they would make Me some return for My Love.”
(Jesus’ words to St. Margaret Mary)
Because Our Lord’s Presence with us in the Holy Eucharist cannot be separated from the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church He established, we pray for Christian unity, that all will be faithful members of His Church. We also take a vow to pray for priests whose holiness of life will bring countless souls to love Our Eucharistic Lord.