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Prayer for the Triumph of the Catholic Faith

Almighty and eternal God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we kneel before Your Majesty, and thank You from the depth of our soul for the inestimable gift of the Catholic Faith, which you have deigned to reveal to us through Jesus Christ, True God and True man. We received this divine light in holy baptism and have promised You to keep this faith inviolate until death.

Increase in us the gift of the Catholic Faith. By Your grace, may it be strengthened and made unshakeable. Daily increase in us the understanding of the beauty and profoundness of the Catholic Faith, that we might live in the deep joy of Your divine truth and be ready to sacrifice all things rather than compromise on or betray this faith. Grant us the grace to be resolved to undergo a thousand deaths for even one article of the Creed.

Graciously receive from us sinners an act of humble reparation for all the sins committed against the Catholic Faith by the laity and clergy, especially by high-ranking clergy who, contrary to the solemn promise they made at their Ordination to be teachers and defenders of the integrity of the Catholic Faith, have become champions of heresy, poisoning the flock entrusted to them and gravely offending the Divine Majesty of Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Truth.

Grant us the grace to see all the events of our life, and the immense trials our Holy Mother Church is now undergoing, in the supernatural light of faith. May we believe that You will cause to arise from today’s vast spiritual desert a renewed flourishing of faith that will adorn the garden of the Church with new works of faith and give rise to a new age of faith.

We firmly believe that the Catholic Faith is the one true faith and religion, which you invite every person freely to embrace. Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the destroyer of all heresies, and the great Martyrs and Confessors of the faith, may the Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith triumph again in the Church and the world, so that no soul may be lost but rather come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ, the only Saviour of mankind, and through a right faith and righteous life attain eternal beatitude in You, O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. To You be given all honour and glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

+ penned by Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana

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Chloe Sember Chloe Sember

Little Li: The Child Martyr of the Eucharist in China

by Charlotte Allen, writing for the Benedict XVI Institute

We don’t know Li’s actual name or exactly when she lived and died, but we can know the persecution she and millions endured and the faith that allowed Little Li to die a martyr for the Eucharist are both most assuredly real.

by Charlotte Allen (excerpt from her 2021 article for the Benedict XVI Institute for Sacred Music and Divine Worship)

She was a little Chinese Catholic girl, in a country where Catholics were and are only a demographic drop in the most populous country in the world, a country where Christians have been regarded for more than 100 years as dupes at best, agents at worst, of imperialistic Western powers. Their churches were marked for obliteration.

The little Catholic girl has been given a name—Li—but we don’t know if that was really her name. In several versions of the story she has no name at all. We don’t know exactly where in China she lived, either, perhaps the rural setting near Shanghai that is sometimes mentioned. Her age is usually given as 10 or 11, but we don’t really know about that, either. We know she lived in the twentieth century, and there is a strong likelihood that it was the mid-twentieth century, right after Mao Zedong completed his communist takeover of China.

Little Li never made it to adolescence; she was killed for her faith right in her village parish church. She has become a legend. Like so many of the early martyrs of the Church, she was a real soul whose story was taken up by other real souls looking for reasons to believe. Her story has been told, retold, and embellished by many tellers in an age hungry for faith, in a culture where terror and poverty have often reigned together, in a world riven by world wars, holocausts, and new weapons of mass destruction.

Many of the facts are uncertain except the most important one: Little Li—let’s call her that—was a martyr of the Eucharist. She gave her life in an act of Christian heroism and devotion to the Eucharist that has inspired multitudes.

What would you do if you were a Catholic and government troops invaded your parish church, imprisoning your parish priest? What would you do if the soldiers broke into the tabernacle, took the ciborium, and scattered the Hosts on the floor in an act of desecration designed to both terrorize you and demoralize you, to threaten everything and everyone you knew and loved?

What would you do? Many people under such pressure buckled and joined the secularizing majority.

Here is what Li did: After nightfall, she slipped back into the church and observed a Holy Hour in front of the Hosts scattered on the church floor. After she finished the devotion, she carefully bent down and consumed just a single one of the Hosts with her tongue.

As a layperson in those pre-Vatican II days, little Li had been taught it was wrong to touch the Host with her hands. And she knew that in ordinary circumstances lay people were not supposed to consume more than one Host in a day. (She didn’t know of the exception granted to prevent the desecration of the Eucharist.)

So, at great risk each time, Li patiently returned to the church night after night to observe her Holy Hour and consume another precious piece of the Body of Christ. There were 32 Hosts on the floor, so her nightly visits took just over a month. On the very last night, she was caught by a soldier guarding the church and killed.

The story of little Li became associated with Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, the Catholic media personality whose television show, “Life Is Worth Living,” drew as many as thirty million weekly viewers during the 1950s. Sheen was a tireless promoter of the Holy Hour as a Catholic devotion.

In his autobiography, Treasure in Clay, completed shortly before his death in 1979 at age 84 but not published until 1982, Sheen wrote about the sufferings of Chinese Catholics in the wake of Mao’s revolution that established a Communist regime in China that has lasted to this day. Sheen wrote this:

“Elsewhere in China, a priest had just begun Mass when Communists entered and arrested him and made him a prisoner in a house adjoining the little church. From a window in that house he could see the tabernacle. Shortly after his imprisonment, the Communists opened the tabernacle, threw the Hosts on the floor, and stole the Sacred Vessels. The priest then decided ­­ to make adoration to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament as much as he could day and night. About three o’clock one morning, he saw a child who had been at the morning Mass open a window, climb in, come to the sanctuary floor, get down on both knees, press her tongue to the Host to give herself Holy Communion. The priest told me there were about thirty Hosts in the ciborium. Every single night she came at the same time until there was only one Host left.  As she pressed her tongue to receive the Body of Christ, a shot rang out. A Communist soldier had seen her. It proved to be her Viaticum.”

According to people who knew Sheen or knew his work, this was an incident that Sheen had repeated in talks and interviews during his long priestly and media ministry. In particular, they say, Sheen had revealed in a 1979 television interview that little Li’s fervent devotion to the Eucharist had been the inspiration for his preaching. It was her story as well, according to accounts, that had led Sheen to promise that he, personally, would observe a Holy Hour of prayer and adoration before the Blessed Sacrament every day of his priestly life, a promise that he kept.

Witnesses to Freedom

The following essay by Sofia Cornicelli was selected as the 2023 winner of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ religious liberty essay contest on the theme “Witnesses to Freedom.”

Tongue pressed stealthily to the floor, the Littlest Witness consumed her Lord. In that brief moment, the darkness of Communist occupation recoiled from her tiny 11-year-old soul. Freedom poured over her as the night breezes did into the drafty church she was kneeling in. She exhaled, noiselessly, and rose, noiselessly, and exited, noiselessly. She would return again the following night.

She was the smallest of the seeds in God’s heavenly garden. A little mustard seed lost in the prickly haystack of Communist China. A soul so small that we are not even sure of her real name. Most call her, simply, “Little Li.” Nevertheless, her witness to religious freedom sprung up just like her Lord promised: as tall as a mustard tree. Her story, retold over and over with the purpose of inspiring those living under oppressive governments like herself, eventually inspired the dearly loved Archbishop Fulton Sheen, and he shared her story with his faithful 30 million weekly viewers. He claimed she was the inspiration behind his daily Holy Hours. Imagine, such a little witness to freedom inspiring so many!

A dangerous mission

This is something Little Li could never have foreseen on that fateful day when her parish priest was arrested. It was the day Mao Zedong completed his Communist takeover of China, in the middle of the 20th century. It was the day her church was “marked for obliteration.” Little Li watched, resolute, as her priest was locked up, a prisoner in his own church. She watched as the Communist soldiers tore her Lord from His most sacred home in the tabernacle and scattered His Body across the floor. She watched as they mocked His Real Presence. The majority of her fellow villagers fled to the safety of secularism. How her little soul, so inflamed with God’s grace, must have shuddered at the sight of her religious liberty being stripped away from her in only a day! Thirty-two hosts lay desecrated on the sanctuary floor, and she was only a little girl who could do nothing grand or monumental.

“Your Father who sees in secret will reward you,” the Evangelist Matthew reminds us. Little Li, under the stifling hand of her Communist oppressors, had no choice but to act in secrecy, and her Father did reward her. Each night, the imprisoned priest watched as Li’s little silhouette crept through a church window unnoticed. Each night, she observed a Holy Hour alongside her scattered Lord. Each night, for 32 nights unbroken, she consumed one of the desecrated Hosts. “Every single night,” Fulton Sheen relates in his 1982 autobiography, “she came at the same time until there was only one Host left. As she pressed her tongue to receive the Body of Christ, a shot rang out. A Communist soldier had seen her. It proved to be her Viaticum.”

A model of love

Just so, the Littlest Witness won her crown of martyrdom, and just so, she became a symbol of the fight for religious freedom. In one version of the story, the soldier who shot her, upon realizing what she was doing, was shocked by his horrific deed and released the imprisoned priest, saying: “Sir, if in every town there was such a little girl, no soldier would ever fight for the Communists!” Her actions, though small and carried out in the stealth of darkness, had proven to be a worthy opponent to the iron grip of communism.

Li’s little way of standing up for religious freedom, while demanding heroic bravery, is a more attainable method than the ordinary Catholic layperson might think. It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that preserving our religious freedom is something to be left to the great minds of our country and our Church. Figures like St. Thomas More and St. Anselm, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison immediately come to mind. These great men had positions and opportunities that the ordinary Catholic laity often never come into contact with. Little Li, however, reminds us of the power of prayer and devotion to the Holy Eucharist. In her little way of simply keeping watch with Our Lord and receiving His Precious Body, she teaches us that the body of the Church can be just as influential as its leading members by being devoted to prayer and being willing, like the Littlest Witness, to give the ultimate sacrifice of our lives.

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Chloe Sember Chloe Sember

Sr. Briege & The Eucharistic Miracle Today

Sister Briege McKenna’s healing ministry is totally centered on the Eucharist. During a special retreat for Sisters a few years ago, she shared a remarkable story of how Jesus led her to this Eucharistic centering.

Sister Briege McKenna’s healing ministry is totally centered on the Eucharist. During a special retreat for Sisters a few years ago, she shared a remarkable story of how Jesus led her to this Eucharistic centering.

She said, I had a big problem. After my own dramatic healing and then receiving the gift of healing others, I was worried because so many people were coming to me.

Many Healings

In less than one year, so many healings were taking place, that the people wanted to make a saint out of me, even asking for relics cloth from an old habit, my hair trimmings, etc. I was astounded and disturbed by it and then there was the way that some people wanted to touch me, as if they would be healed or graced by doing so.

I loved the people, but I did not like what was happening. There was a danger that, instead of directing people to the Lord or to the Mass, they had come just to see me.

I certainly knew that, of myself, I had absolutely no power, and that it was Jesus Who was doing the healing; that I was only His chosen instrument. However, even to be chosen by Him was itself an extraordinary gift. Pride could step in, and one could begin to believe that one is better than other people. In a certain way, I felt that I was becoming a celebrity, and I knew that it was neither true, nor good for my soul.

I went on a pilgrimage to Lourdes, and begged Our Lady for help. I asked Her, to please keep me in the heart of the Church, and to show me how to integrate this healing ministry into the life of the Church.

I remember sitting in front of the Blessed Sacrament in Exposition one day, just praying to Our Lady. Then I went down to the Grotto.

A pilgrimage was taking place of mentally handicapped children, and as I watched them being assisted from Mass, I remember thinking and knowing that Mary will show me the way.

Come to El Paso

Sr. Briege came back to America, and three weeks later she got a phone call from Fr. Rick Thomas. He had a special ministry across the border in Mexico. He said to her, “I would love to have you come and visit the poor at the garbage dump and pray with them. You can help with the healings. Their need is so great.”

She explained that given her existing commitments, she had only an evening and a morning available, and he responded, “That’s fine. Go doesn’t need a long time. On your way back from California, stop off and stay over night.”

She arrived in El Paso to be met by this very colourful charismatic priest, a man who witnessed to the faith in everything he did. On the one hand, he was normally wearing a Texan hat and Texan boots. On the other hand, “Alleluia” was his favourite word, which he regularly repeated with gusto.

When Sr. Briege arrived, he started jumping up and down with delight, and introduced her to his dog and his donkey. Sr. Briege did not know what to expect next!.

The Unforgettable Dump

That evening, they drove directly out to the dump, and he told her, “They do not have a clue as to who you are, and it does not matter. When the time comes, I will just get you to say a prayer with them, and God will do the rest.”

When they arrived at the dump, Sr. Briege witnessed scenes she will never forget. On the Texan border with Mexico, there is the Rio Grande, the river which Mexicans try to cross to get into the U.S. They are driven back by border police. These are poor Mexicans, who squat and live at the garbage dump, and their children, are born there.

As Fr. Rick showed Sr. Briege around, she was horrified by the sheer squalor. She had given retreats in South America, but she had never seen anything like this.

When Fr. Rick told her that he was going to celebrate Mass there for them the next morning, she was somewhat taken aback, wondering how Mass could be celebrated with any dignity in such an environment. What would the people know or understand?

The children were running around wild like little animals. She was horrified at thinking that, in that place with those people; they will not be able to comprehend what happens during Mass. Anyway, the next morning, she, a small group of young Mexican Americans, and Fr. Rick set out for the dump. He brought a little table and all the Mass requirements.

When they arrived, already up to 1000 people were there, and more were coming!

She remembered standing there looking over this crowd of poor miserable people. Clearly visible in the distance, not even fifteen minutes away, were beautiful homes and a big Mexican Seminary. But these people had no church, and indeed, they had nothing. Fr. Rick had taken it upon himself to go out there and to begin evangelizing and ministering to them. He was trying to break down the hatred through speaking of God’s love, and then seeking to get them into groups to do works toward that end.

The Mass

The Mass started, and although Sr. Briege has been a daily communicant since she was 12 years old, she said that that Mass had changed her life! Before the Mass began, she watched an old woman coming in, carrying a bundle on her shoulder. At first, Sr. Briege thought that it was some form of a gift for Fr. Rick.

But, when the old woman opened up the cloth, in it there was a little child, completely burned from head to fool, filthy dirty, and screaming!

The woman looked at Fr. Rick, and with great compassion, she said, “Please bless him. I found him smouldering when I was coming across the mountain.” She had picked him up, put him into this cloth, and carried him to Fr. Rick.

The child was practically skinless! Fr. Rick looked at the little boy, got Sr. Briege to join with him in a prayer, and then suggested that he be placed under the table on which the Mass was to be celebrated. Sr. Briege related that once the Mass had begun, she felt and saw the presence of Jesus. When Fr. Rick said, “Let us say the Gloria”, praises to God came forth from the tops of their voices.

She had come from across the border from comfort. She had everything that she needed, but they had nothing, and yet they praised God loudly and wholeheartedly. She heard the Lord speaking to her, saying, “If my people do not praise Me, the stones will cry out!”

Here were the poorest of the poor and they were radiant with praise to God. When the consecration came, she had her head down. Then she looked up and saw that Fr. Rick had one of those large hosts. For a moment, everybody was prostrate on the ground. It was then that she had the most beautiful image of Jesus with His two hands out. He was smiling, and within herself, she heard the words of the Gospel, “Come to Me all you who are weary, and I will refresh you.”

Just as she was seeing that, the people lifted up their faces and started shouting, “Viva Cristo Rei”…long live Christ the King!!

At that moment, she truly knew that Jesus was in the Host that it is not just a piece of bread, but truly Jesus, Himself. For these people, in the midst of their poverty, they had the King of Kings. They clapped, cheered, and cried, “Viva Cristo Rei”…long live Christ the King!

She found herself weeping as she saw the great faith of these people, and she asked herself, “Is my faith as strong as theirs, that I may always realize that a Consecrated Host is really Jesus?”.

The Little Children

Mass ended and the burned little boy, who had been placed under the Mass table, had long since stopped crying. Sr. Briege went to look for him, and she was overwhelmed when she saw him. He had crawled out from under the table, was totally healed, and was playing in the sand!

She went over to the old woman, and said to her, “What happened to him?” With hindsight, she realized that it was a stupid question. The old woman looked at Sr. Briege, and said, “What do you mean what happened? Didn’t Jesus come?”

As Fr. Rick put his hands over the bread and wine and called upon the Holy Spirit, as the bread and wine were changed, the little boy was changed. He was given new skin!

Not only that, before the Mass, Sr. Briege saw a mother bringing in a Down Syndrome baby. The mother was a young girl, and she had this beautiful little baby in her arms, but it had all the appearances of having Down Syndrome. She and Fr. Rick prayed over the child. At the end of the Mass, the child’s mother came running up to her, saying, “Look at my baby!” Her baby was now perfect.

More Healings

There were many more healings. Sr. Briege had spent eight hours with the people, and she did not remember which ones she prayed with, but it was certainly not all of those who were healed. It was as if God had put on a display of miracles. Fr. Rick usually did not pray with the people. All he did was celebrate the Mass.

Power Of The Eucharist

Sr. Briege spent eight hours on the mountain dump, and she went back to El Passo so overwhelmed that she could not sleep. Finally, at three a.m., she heard Jesus tell her, “Get up and pray.”

She knelt at the side of the bed, and the Lord said, You asked My Mother to help you, and to show and teach you, She brought you here. People come and seek signs and wonders. They go looking for healers and for something to help them, and they will go to anybody!

Yet, I am on the altars of the world and in the tabernacles of the world, and they pass Me by. I brought you here because I have a mission for you. I want you to go to the world and speak on the power of the Eucharist. As you begin to lead people to the Eucharist, I will show you what I can do . . . and, He is doing just that!

This occurred in 1972. Since that time, Sr. Briege has been traveling all over the world to speak about the power of the Eucharist.

In Ireland, as in many parts of the world, they have a history of men and women who knew that the Mass was worth living and dying for.

Beg the Holy Spirit to help you to understand the Eucharist. Beg Jesus to give you a Eucharistic Heart, a real love for the Eucharist, like the two disciples who said to Him, “Where do you live?” and He responded, “Come.”

Come to Him in Mass and Adoration. Tell Him your needs, confide in Him, love Him, and then feel His consolation and healing. This is what He wants of us now. Sr. Briege understands that she is only an instrument through which the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus comes to us, but He tells us that we can approach Him directly by loving Him in the Eucharist. He wants to console and heal us, but first. He wants us to believe in Him, and then to come to Him. Do it.

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Chloe Sember Chloe Sember

Crushing the Serpent’s Head

Mary stands ready to crush the head of satan. Her heel is raised to strike. She awaits our participation in this act of crushing the serpent’s head because it is part of God’s plan that we unite with Her in this victory over evil.

Mary stands ready to crush the head of satan. Her heel is raised to strike. She awaits our participation in this act of crushing the serpent’s head because it is part of God’s plan that we unite with Her in this victory over evil. We are living the time of the great spiritual battle on earth.

We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has ever experienced. I do not think the wide circle of the American Society or the wide circle of the Christian Community realize this fully. We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the antichurch, between the Gospel and the antigospel, between Christ and the antichrist. This confrontation lies within the plans of Divine Providence. It is, therefore, in God’s Plan, and it is a trial which the church must take up, and face courageously.”   (Pope John Paul II during a visit to the United States in 1979.)

God did His part; He overcame sin and death when He humbled Himself and became man, and out of love for us, shed every drop of His Blood on the Cross. Now the time has come for us to do our part. The same Jesus Who hung upon the Cross is with us in the Most Holy Eucharist. Our part now is to lift Him up in the monstrance and adore Him Who remains with us on earth under the appearance of bread.

When I AM lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to Myself.

You can be a part of the army Mary is gathering to crush the head of satan. The more who enlist, the sooner evil will be overcome.

It is humility and love that will conquer evil. With great love and humility say from your heart:

  • I surrender my life to God. I consecrate myself to Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

  • I unite myself with every man, woman and child on the face of the earth and beg God’s mercy on us all. We are all sinners who crucified our Lord with our infidelity. We are all responsible for Jesus being lifted up on the Cross and for His agonizing death. We crucified and killed Our Lord.

  • I repent of my sins and now love Him with all my heart. I give my life to Him, and want to do all I possibly can do to see Him lifted up again, not on the painful Cross like the first lifting, but lifted high in the monstrance and adored by all people.

  • I love God, and for love of Him, I love His holy Catholic Church, embracing all Her teachings and striving to live the Gospel without compromise, loving all, forgiving all, and praying for all of my brothers and sisters throughout the world. I pray for all who are away from God and who do evil, that they will be snatched out of the hands of satan and come to know the peace and joy of living in God’s will. I pray for those who are in union with God, that they will persevere.

  • I thank God for the great gift of Holy Mass, the re-presenting of His sacrifice on Calvary in which we are made present, mystically, at the foot of the Cross to unite our lives with Jesus’ as an offering to the Father. He then feeds us with His Divine Body and Blood. I will reverently attend daily Mass and receive Jesus in Holy Communion.

  • I love Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. The Eucharist is Jesus. I believe it because Jesus said it, and I am ready to give my life to maintain this truth. I will worship Him in the Holy Eucharist everyday.

  • I love Mother Mary, and pray for the grace for all to come to love and honor Her. I will pray the Holy Rosary everyday. (Praying the rosary in the Presence of Our Eucharistic Lord is especially powerful.)

  • I unite with Jesus in His desire that all be saved. I pray for all mankind to come to know, love, serve and adore Jesus and be faithful members of His Holy Catholic Church.

It is love that will overcome evil.
My God, my God, I love You in the Most Blessed Sacrament!
I pray that all people will come to love and adore You
and that You will save us from satan who is seeking our ruin.

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Chloe Sember Chloe Sember


Lord, help us to know, not just in our head that Jesus is with us in the Holy Eucharist, but help us to know it in our heart – in practice.

Lord, help us to know, not just in our head that Jesus is with us in the Holy Eucharist, but help us to know it in our heart – in practice.

At Cana, through Mary’s intercession, Jesus manifested His divinity for the first time publicly. We at Children of Mary pray through the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes that Jesus will, in these times, manifest His divinity in the Holy Eucharist by healing all who come to Him in the Holy Eucharist. Those who pray in our chapel are given the opportunity to kneel before Our Lord Who is enthroned on the altar in Solemn Exposition, and can ask to be blessed with holy water from Lourdes, France, and prayed with that Our Lord will heal them mind, body and soul.

You can do this for yourselves or for others who need healing. Those who came in faith to Jesus 2000 years ago left changed in some way. It is the same Jesus enthroned on our altar, and anyone who comes before Him in faith in the Holy Eucharist will leave His Sacred Presence changed. Our Lord always hears our prayers and answers them, though it may not always be in the timing or the manner we expect. We can expect, however, that in His eternal and abundant goodness and wisdom, His Will makes “all things work for good for those who love God” (Rom. 8:28).

Our Lord knows that the healing of our souls is a greater miracle than the physical healings we can often seek (cf. Matthew 9:2-8), yet He longs to heal all His children, to bring them to greater freedom of mind, body and soul so they can further accomplish the loving Will of the Father in their lives. In Your Will is our peace, Lord!

Being with Him, adoring Him, thanking Him, speaking with Him heart of Heart brings much peace. He enlightens, heals, comforts and directs us. The more time we spend with Him, adoring Him, the more He changes us, little by little, into His image; the more grace He gives for us to be perfectly resigned and united to God’s Will for our lives.

The more we love and adore Him, the more satan’s power is weakened in our own lives and in the world, and grace floods the earth. Our Lord desires you to come to Him, to ask, seek and knock before open His Eucharistic Heart so that you may receive, find and be open to the peace and joy this world cannot give. “Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer” (Rom. 12:12).

We urge you, for your good and the good of the world, adore Him. He thirsts for your love!

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Chloe Sember Chloe Sember

Enthronement and Consecration to Our Eucharistic King

SONG: #511 Godhead Here in Hiding

Oh Most Holy Trinity, I adore You. My God, my God, I love You in the Most Blessed Sacrament! (Silent time of adoration)

SONG: #511 Godhead Here in Hiding

Oh Most Holy Trinity, I adore You. My God, my God, I love You in the Most Blessed Sacrament! (Silent time of adoration)


Oh Jesus, our Lord and our God, You humbled Yourself and became one of us. You loved us so much that You shed every drop of Your Precious Blood / so that we could be cleansed of our sins / and enter into an eternal life of bliss with You / and the Father / and the Holy Spirit. You did Your part – You overcame sin and death. Now we wish to do our part. With great love and humility / we enthrone You in our hearts / and on our altar. With all the saints and angels in Heaven we adore You. We acknowledge You as our King, silently reigning in the Most Holy Eucharist, and we beg You to have mercy on us / and on all of our brothers and sisters throughout the world. Accept, Lord, our offering / on our own behalf / and on behalf of every person on earth. We are weak, wounded, and sinful. Please, Lord, free us from the hands of our enemies: satan and all the evil spirits who deceive us and enslave us. Save us, in Your mercy, from the power and influence satan has over us. Through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother Mary, crush his head and cast him into hell. Send Your Holy Spirit to heal and sanctify us / so that our lives will be pleasing to You. Please, sweet Jesus, renew the face of the earth / and restore the order that existed / when peace and love reigned in the hearts of our first parents.

We beg You to put an end to the terrible indifference towards Your Eucharistic Presence that numbs the minds and hearts of Your people. Please, Lord, give every person on earth the grace to believe, to understand more deeply, and to appreciate more Your Presence with us in the Most Holy Eucharist. Fill us with awe, reverence and great love for You. Give us a longing to adore You in this Sacred Mystery and a hunger to receive You in Holy Communion. Come, Eucharistic Reign of Jesus! Reign in every heart and be enthroned on every altar. Fill the world with Your glory, peace and love.

SONG: #484 Come, Thou Almighty King


Jesus, burning with love for us, we love You more than life. You gave everything for love of us, and we now return everything for love of You. Do with us as You will, Lord. We ask only the grace to respond to all You may send into our lives / in the manner most pleasing to You. May all we do glorify You / and help bring Your Kingdom to earth. We wish to embrace each joy and suffering with great love. And even through our tears we whisper, “All for the Sacred and Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, all for the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, in union with St. Joseph.”

We love You, Jesus. Be glorified. May Your reign be recognized on earth!


Refrain: Shine, Jesus, shine, fill this land with the Father’s glory. Blaze, Spirit, blaze, set out hearts on fire. Flow, river, flow, flood the nations with grace and mercy. Send forth Your Word, Lord, and let there be light.

Lord, the light of Your love is shining. In the midst of the darkness shining. Jesus light of the world shine among us. Set us free with the truth You now bring us. Shine on me. Shine on me. (Refrain)

Lord, I come to Your awesome presence from the shadows into Your radiance. By the blood I may enter Your brightness, search me, try me, consume all my darkness. Shine on me. Shine on me. (Refrain)

As we gaze on Your kingly brightness, so our faces display Your likeness. Ever changing from glory to glory, mirrored here may our lives tell Your story. Shine on me. Shine on me.

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Chloe Sember Chloe Sember

Pray for ALL MANKIND to adore Our Eucharistic King!

The more who pray for this grace from the heart, the more souls will be given the grace to believe. The Eucharist is God – the God of all, and it is only fitting that He be adored by all. Once we are convinced that it is indeed God Who is with us in the Holy Eucharist, won’t the reasonable response be to enthrone Him on our altars and adore Him, as do the saints and angels in Heaven?

The more who pray for this grace from the heart, the more souls will be given the grace to believe. The Eucharist is God – the God of all, and it is only fitting that He be adored by all. Once we are convinced that it is indeed God Who is with us in the Holy Eucharist, won’t the reasonable response be to enthrone Him on our altars and adore Him, as do the saints and angels in Heaven? It is true that God is everywhere, but He is substantially present only two places: Heaven and the Eucharist. It is all about love and humility. God loved us so much that He became man for us, and then stayed with us under the appearance of bread in the Holy Eucharist. There could be no greater act of humility! Then the good angels humbly adored God appearing before them as a man. Now mankind must humbly adore Him appearing before us as bread. Our love and humility will be a powerful weapon in the hand of Our Lady with which She will crush the head of satan.

Our goal is to raise up a heart-felt cry to God to rain down grace upon earth for every person to adore Him in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Consecrated to Our Mother Mary and enflamed with love for Our Lord, we can pray on behalf of all of our brothers and sisters throughout the world who do not yet know and love Him. We offer Our Eucharistic Lord to the Father and beg for the conversion of poor sinners. We beg Him to save us from the hand of our enemies – satan and his evil spirits. The evil in the world has become too great; we cannot combat it with any purely human means. It is God who will save us if we but ask, humbly, the creature to His Creator. The Creator dwells among us in the Holy Eucharist. Let us go to Him and trust in His power, His love, to overcome the evil that threatens to annihilate the world.

If you know anyone who is suffering – in a nursing home, a hospital, or suffering in any way whatsoever, we hope you will give them a prayer card and ask them to offer at least some of their suffering for the intention of grace for all mankind to adore Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist. Prayer of this sort, from the heart and accompanied with the unselfish offering of suffering, is most powerful.

God is with us in the Holy Eucharist. He is the God of all, and it is only fitting that all adore Him for He created us all. Is it possible that everyone on earth would adore Him? Yes! He longs to pour out this grace upon earth, and those who love Him can win grace for other souls to know the great joy of loving Him and basking in His Divine Love in His Sacred Presence. But what about those who are doing evil? Should we pray for them to have this grace, too? Definitely! Our only enemy is satan and his evil spirits. Every human being has the same God and Father as we do, and our goal as Christians is to beg God to free all from ‘the hand of our enemy’ – satan. Those who do evil are in his grasp, but if we pray for them they may repent and find salvation. Then, as instruments in God’s hands, they will work side by side with us to help bring the Kingdom of God to earth. “Please, Lord God, free every person on earth from the grasp of satan. Fill everyone with Your Holy Spirit.” With the Eucharistic Reign of Jesus will come peace. We all benefit when we pray for each other.

Would you like to order one of our various prayer cards for all mankind to adore Our Eucharistic Lord? We frequently receive orders for 200 or more of the prayer cards. We encourage you to consider helping us in this so that we can get as many people as possible praying for the grace for mankind to adore Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist. This is a grace God wishes to give, but it is a grace for which we must ask. The prayer card shown on this page was made up for that purpose and has an imprimatur. We pray that the Lord will put in the heart of everyone who reads it a great love for Him and a burning desire to see Him loved and enthroned on every altar in the world and adored by ALL His people. This love and desire to see Him glorified will rise up to the Heavens and move the Heart of God! Prayer and adoration will weaken the powers of darkness that have enveloped the earth. You can place an order for this and other prayer cards by going to the Catalogue page.

What a great gift God has given those of us who love Him! Let us join in one heart and mind with God and pray for this grace for all of our brothers and sisters on the face of the earth. God bless you and all those you love.

May God be praised in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar!

Mother Margaret Mary, C.M.

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Chloe Sember Chloe Sember

Are You Prepared for the Battle?

There are times when it seems like Heaven here — kneeling before Our Lord enthroned on the altar, feeling the peace that only He can give, contemplating His great love that caused Him to come down from Heaven as a little Babe, and hearing the chimes sing out to all the world that a Savior has been born to us.

There are times when it seems like Heaven here — kneeling before Our Lord enthroned on the altar, feeling the peace that only He can give, contemplating His great love that caused Him to come down from Heaven as a little Babe, and hearing the chimes sing out to all the world that a Savior has been born to us.

Then there are times during the summer while working outside on a lovely, blue-skied day when all of a sudden the chimes fill the air with a love song to Our Lady, the Ave Maria or other Marian hymn. At moments like this when for a brief moment all suffering is forgotten and peace and joy fill the heart, it seems that perhaps this is something like it was in the garden of Eden.

But on occasion I must leave the land and ‘go into the world’. The other day I went to get the oil changed. A talk show was on the TV in the waiting room. We don’t have television, and what I heard was shocking; it saddened me greatly. I recalled something I had read that Pope Pius X said, that there is more sin in this age than there has ever been in history, even more than at the time of the Deluge. Many in the world are so accustomed to the sins of our times through frequent exposure through the media, that few are aware of the crisis that engulfs us.

Joseph Terelya wrote in “The Witness” that satan requires two things of his followers: blood (which he gets from abortion) and homosexuality. Out of love, not condemnation, we must speak the truth that abortion and homosexuality are grave offenses against God. Sin leads to misery, and if we love, we do what we can to help all people live in God’s will so that they will know the peace that comes from the union of our will with God’s. We must have courage to speak the truth because in our times we are witnessing a massive campaign to make homosexuality viewed as morally acceptable. The day may come when Christians are accused of committing hate crimes for speaking out against these sins.

Or persecution may come in another form. Many in the world are saying that one religion is just as good as another. But we know that, although other religions contain some truth, God became Incarnate and established only one Church, and that He preserves His Church in truth through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We know that He has given His Church the great gift of Himself in the Holy Eucharist. The day may come when Catholics are persecuted for standing firm in that belief.

Are we willing to die for our beliefs? Let us pray for the grace to die rather than forsake Jesus, the Truth. Jesus came so that all may be one. He shed every drop of His Blood for love of us. “Take this, all of you and drink. This is My Blood.” He said for ALL to take and drink. He loves everyone. He died to save everyone. He longs for everyone’s love. To be truly one with Him, we too, must long for this unity—long for all to love Jesus, adore Him, receive Him lovingly in Holy Communion and to live in His will. We must long for this, pray for this, make this desire of His Heart the desire of our heart.

In these evil times there are many who do evil. There are many who are influenced by satan, each sin committed giving satan more control in their lives. We can help our brothers and sisters who are in this sorry state. Love them. Pray for them. Beg God’s mercy for them. Sacrifice for them. We can snatch them out of satan’s grasp through our love and prayer. We are all capable of doing evil. Why condemn others? Yes, we can and must condemn sin, but not the sinner. So many of us have been pulled out of the mire of sin! May God do the same for everyone on earth!

God set the example. First, He showed humility when He humbled Himself and became man. We have heard this phrase so often, we tend to yawn rather than respond as we would if we understood the depth of this mystery. Would you become a worm to save a bunch of worms? Hardly. But God lowered Himself even more than we would if we were to become a worm. After all, we would still be creatures as men or as worms. God, on the other hand, is the Creator Who became a creature. There can be no greater humility. Secondly, He showed us love. He died on the Cross for us. He shed every drop of His Precious Blood. Humility and love are what He modeled. That is what He asks of us. Why? Those virtues in us add nothing to God. He asks humility and love from us because that is what makes us great, even Godlike. These virtues expand our ability to receive grace.

God did His part in His Incarnation and death. Now it is time for us to do our part by humbly adoring the One Who created and then, mercifully, redeemed us at the price of His cruel, unimaginably painful death. Our love and adoration of Him Who so humbly remains on earth with us in the Holy Eucharist will flood the earth with grace that will overcome the power of satan.

“You called on me
in the day of your distress.
You honored Me
and I saved you.”

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Chloe Sember Chloe Sember

How can it be a mortal sin to miss Mass on Sunday???

Look at His eyes. Who would ever dare insult Him? Who would have the audacity to spit in that Face? But that is comparable to what we do when, for no good reason, we miss Mass on Sundays or holy days of obligation.

Look at His eyes. Who would ever dare insult Him? Who would have the audacity to spit in that Face? But that is comparable to what we do when, for no good reason, we miss Mass on Sundays or holy days of obligation. Why? Because no prayer, no act can compare with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. If we could even begin to appreciate its worth, we would realize what a wonderful privilege it is to be present at this awesome, sacred Sacrifice that Jesus made on the Cross for love of us! No matter how spirit-filled and beautiful a prayer service may be, it has little value compared with the value of the Mass, because the value of the Mass is infinite. Its value is without limit because it is Jesus offering His life to the Father. It is an act of Jesus ~ an act of God. It is a privilege because in the Holy Mass Our Lord offers us an opportunity to unite our lives with His as an offering to the Father of us all.

How can the Mass be the same sacrifice that Jesus offered on the Cross two thousand years ago? It is possible because the Mass is outside of time. Using the lips of the priest, Jesus’ words that change bread and wine into His Body and Blood echo throughout the centuries: “This is My Body; This is My Blood.” It is the greatest event that could ever take place on earth. If only we could begin to comprehend this mystical re-presenting of the sacrifice on the Cross, all Catholic churches would be full everyday for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Only in eternity will we know its value. Then we will be filled with tremendous gratitude to God for having given us the grace to go to daily Mass if we did, or we will greatly rue the fact if we could have gone but chose not to out of indifference.

The Church, knowing the infinite value of the Mass and wishing her members to benefit from it, instructs us to attend Mass at the minimum on Sundays and Holy Days designated as obligatory. It is a serious offense against God, a mortal sin, to miss Mass through one’s own fault on Sundays and/or on Holy Days of obligation. Not attending Mass when one is obligated to do so is refusing to join with the entire Church as the People of God in offering our lives to the Father in union with Jesus’ supreme sacrifice on the Cross and to thank God for this single greatest act of Love ever witnessed on earth.

He shed every drop of His Blood for us. What a terrible insult to God to be too busy to thank Him for His sacrifice and to unite our lives with His as an offering to the Father. What an insult to claim to be too busy to spend the one or two hours a week it takes to fulfill our obligation to the One Who gave His entire life for us! Can you imagine the uproar if most people were told to spend only an hour or two on the telephone a week? Or watching TV? Or using the computer? So you can see that it is like spitting in the Face of God to be too busy to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of obligation. If we better understood the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, we’d be filled with gratitude for the opportunity to attend Mass, and we’d be greatly disappointed if we were unable to do so. Let’s pray that someday soon we and all peoples will come to better understand the value of the Mass. And remember, its value does not depend on the quality of the music, although music can help prepare our souls to surrender to God. Nor does the value of the Mass depend on the quality of the preaching at the Mass, although a good homily can certainly be helpful in teaching and guiding. The Mass has infinite value even without music or preaching, because it is like stepping into a time machine and being present at the crucifixion. It is the miracle of miracles! Thank You, Lord, for the gift of the Mass! Help us understand and appreciate it more and more. Unite all Christians in Your truth and love and may everyone, every person on the face of the earth, someday share in these sacred mysteries: the sacred sacrifice and the sacred meal where Jesus is the Lamb slain for our sins.

At Mass we are present when Jesus is sacrificed and eaten by His People, as was prefigured in the Paschal lamb that was sacrificed and eaten by the Jews. How blessed we are to eat the Sacred Flesh of Our Savior and drink His Precious Blood! For those who receive Him worthily, in the state of grace, it is an opportunity to be transformed into His very Self. St. Faustina prayed, “Lord, divinize me by means of the Holy Communion I receive each day.” Yes, Lord, divinize us.

The opposite of spitting in His Face is gratitude for this gift of infinite value. Thank You, Lord! With all our heart we thank You for the Holy Mass.

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Chloe Sember Chloe Sember

Is the Catholic Church STILL the One True Church???

In the past, the teaching that the Catholic Church is the one true church was boldly proclaimed in Catholic schools and from the pulpit. Since Vatican II seldom does anyone makes this bold statement. Why?

In the past, the teaching that the Catholic Church is the one true church was boldly proclaimed in Catholic schools and from the pulpit. Since Vatican II seldom does anyone makes this bold statement. Why? Perhaps because some in the ecumenical movement see such an assertion as an obstacle to unity. There are literally thousands of Christian denominations today. Isn’t it being haughty to assert that we have the one true church? One definition of humility can be that humility is truth. So were we truly humble, we would humbly assert the truth. God became man and taught His disciples truth. He established His Church on earth. He established only one church, and anyone who takes the time to study history and the beliefs of the church will find that what the Christians of the early centuries believed, we in the Catholic Church still believe – i.e. Jesus’ Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist, love and honor for the Mother of God, the God-given authority in the Church of Pope and bishops. The answer to the question in the title is YES, unequivocally yes! Jesus is God, the image of the Father, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. He is the founder and head of the church.

Brothers and sisters, we Christians were once united in this one Catholic Church. For fifteen hundred years this unity existed. Perhaps because of the many sins of Her members, God allowed the Church to be divided. When Martin Luther, a Catholic priest, left the Church in the sixteenth century and started his own religion, it started an explosion, eventually fragmenting Christians into thousands of different denominations with a great range of beliefs and practices. It was as if a hand grenade had been thrown into the midst of Christendom.

But God allowed it in order to bring a greater good out of it. What good could possibly come from sin and division? Look at the sin of Adam and Eve, what an unimaginable good came from that! In order to reconcile man with God again, God became man and elevated our human nature to a height that would never have been possible without the Incarnation. He made a marriage of divinity with humanity. He took the division sin had caused between God and man and made it a reason, an `excuse’ to bring about an even greater unity than had existed before man sinned! God longs to be one with His People: one heart, one mind, one will, united in Truth and Love. Just as God brought a greater good out of the sin of our first parents, Adam and Eve, so will He bring a greater good out of the disunity He allowed to happen during the Reformation.

Throughout salvation history God has led His People as a people, not as individuals independent of one another. We are a body, His Body, and He is our Head. If the Israelites had believed that God led each individual and each was free to discern truth for himself, how many small groups would have gone off wandering in the desert in all directions and never have reached the Promised Land! And they certainly would not have reached it, for they would have starved. The manna from Heaven came down only where Moses was. He was God’s chosen mediator between God and man. God continues to lead His People as a people. He established one Church, the Catholic Church, to be the instrument through which He would lead His People in spirit and truth. He entrusts to His Church the new Manna from Heaven: the Holy Eucharist, His Body and Blood.

In the letter to the Hebrews we read: “Obey your leaders and defer to them, for they keep watch over you and will have to give an account, that they may fulfill their task with joy and not with sorrow.” (Hebrews 13:17) The early Church had a visible structure and leaders. Without these, unity is impossible. The Church is both a human and a divine institution. God uses weak, even sinful human beings to lead His People, but through the guidance of His Holy Spirit He protects the Church from teaching error in doctrine and morals. In the two thousand year history of the Catholic Church, despite sinful leadership at times – even a few sinful popes -the Church has never taught doctrines that were in error: the teachings of Jesus and His Apostles have been preserved throughout the centuries. Surely this doctrinal consistency is proof of the divine dimension of the Catholic Church, a consistency that can even be proven historically by reading the documents throughout Church history.

The manna, the bread from heaven, was a great incentive for the Israelites to stay united in the desert. Today the Eucharist, the true Bread from Heaven, is the Sacrament of Unity. We beg God’s grace for all to come to believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, the greatest gift God has given His People. “Unless you eat My Body and drink My Blood, you have no life in you.” He wants all of His children to share in this Sacred Food and to receive the many graces He has for those who adore Him in the Holy Eucharist. Once Christians are aware of Jesus’ Presence in the Blessed Sacrament, unity will blossom in spite of any scandals and other tactics of satan to destroy the Church. Just as the Israelites did not wander off into separate groups in the desert because they knew they needed to stay with Moses in order to gather the manna, so too will Christians some day unite in the one Church God established in order to be fed the Bread from Heaven.

This unity will become reality when Catholics bring harmony between the words they profess and their actions. It is the official teaching of the Catholic Church that the Eucharist is Jesus. The Enthronement of Jesus Sacramentalized (Perpetual Exposition and Adoration of Jesus in the Eucharist) will be a visible witness to this belief. Yet, it will not be our witness that defeats satan, but the grace poured out upon the world because of our ceaseless love and praise of God in the Most Blessed Sacrament. It is Jesus Who will save us.

It is God’s will that Christians be united. The only unity that benefits humanity is a unity based on truth. When Christians become aware of Jesus’ Presence with us in the Eucharist and that His substantial Presence is made available to us only through validly ordained Priests who can change bread and wine into Our Lord: Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, then unity will be a natural consequence. It is very important to pray for the grace for all mankind to love and adore Our Eucharistic Lord.

The Church would be greatly enriched if all believers in Jesus united in the Church He founded. Christians separated from the Catholic Church have much to offer the Church in their zeal for souls and their love for Sacred Scripture. And God through His Catholic Church has infinitely precious gifts to offer them ~ Himself in the Blessed Sacrament and the means of forgiveness of sin: the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

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Chloe Sember Chloe Sember

God’s Gift

One day while in the monastery I received a letter from Melissa. After reading it I wept for joy! Here is her story.

Raised Catholic, Melissa married a Catholic man and they had two wonderful sons, 6 and 8 years old. Melissa wanted no more children. She intended to find some interesting job that would satisfy the empty space she felt within.

One day while in the monastery I received a letter from Melissa. After reading it I wept for joy! Here is her story.

Raised Catholic, Melissa married a Catholic man and they had two wonderful sons, 6 and 8 years old. Melissa wanted no more children. She intended to find some interesting job that would satisfy the empty space she felt within.

Then one day she received a set of tapes in the mail. They were talks by Tom Hummer, a lay evangelist in Cleveland, Ohio.* The talks had been taped at a parish mission he had given. The first was on God’s Love. It stirred her soul; she ached for love, but didn’t know how to satisfy that deep need. She knew something was missing from her life, even though she had a loving husband and two wonderful sons. The next tape she listened to was on the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This talk, too, touched her deeply. One day as she was driving down the road in the small town in which she lived, she felt an urgency to stop at the rectory and go to confession. She drove up to the rectory and knocked at the door. A priest answered. He had another appointment, but he rearranged his plans and heard her confession then and there. Mellisa had not been to confession since she was a child. She poured out her life story to the priest who sat before her ‘in persona Christi’. She wept, and shared the sins she had committed and even some of the sins that had been committed against her. Then Our Lord said to her through the lips of the priest, “I absolve you of your sins. Go in peace.” Into her soul rushed tremendous joy and peace and a great KNOWING that God loved her. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. That moment changed her entire life.

Sin blinds, and when this young woman was spiritually dead in sin she saw nothing wrong with the practice of contraception. After being restored to life spiritually, she began to see that contraception is indeed a grave offense against God. The marriage embrace is meant to be an icon of the Holy Trinity: the Father loves the Son and the Son loves the Father and Their live-giving love spirates the Holy Spirit. In order for sexual union to image the Trinity, the man and woman need to 1. be united in the covenant of marriage; 2. the act must be done out of love, not selfishness, and 3. they must be open to new life, to lovingly accepting any children the Lord may wish to give them through this union. If any of the above three elements are missing in a sexual union, it is not an image of God, but blasphemy, distorting His image.

With the light of grace shining in her soul, Melissa was now ready to surrender her life to God. She was open to life. They now have four beautiful, delightful children. Melissa home schools the children and their family is a light to her extended family, the Church and to the community.

Not only was the life of this mother dramatically changed that day by her confession, but her family has been greatly affected as well. Indeed, the entire world is affected by this young woman’s decision to choose life – spiritually for herself, and physically for the children she has now and any more that God may bless them with in the future. Imagine, if she had not confessed her sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, this couple’s two youngest children would not be alive today.

It is true that married couples may have legitimate reasons to space or limit the number of children they wish to conceive. The Church recognizes that fact and approves, in such circumstances, the practice of Natural Family Planning. This is a scientifically proven method of planning births that is even more effective than artificial birth control. And Natural Family Planning (NFP) does not use women as guinea pigs for experimentation giving them drugs that can and do have many adverse side effects – some very serious and even life-threatening. Little is known of the dangers involved in using artificial contraception because large profits are made by the drug companies who sell them and by Planned Parenthood who promotes them; the truth is hushed. Many do not even know that most artificial contraceptives are abortifacients – causing the baby to be aborted from the mother’s womb soon after conception, perhaps even before she is aware that she has conceived.

NFP requires some self-discipline, and it, too, has side effects, but they are all positive! Self-discipline, self-sacrifice results in an increase of love and respect for the spouse, and even for oneself. Most importantly, it is in keeping with God’s law, and is life-giving for the soul. People who are willing to practice self-control, who love their spouse and are more interested in pleasing God and in the spouse’s good than in selfishly satisfying their own desires, are people of character and virtue. People who love God and live in His light, obeying His commands, have inner peace and are peace-makers.

Family life in the western world is in shambles. It is no coincidence that the breakdown of the family occurred simultaneously with the widespread use of contraceptives.

Contraception sometimes prevents conception, and sometimes kills the conceived; it spiritually kills those who practice contraceptive sex. Families have become breeding grounds NOT for new life, but for selfishness and hedonism. What was once fertile soil for character building has become training ground, through the example of parents, for self-seeking; pleasure, money, self-fulfillment, material goods, vacations, and other selfish pursuits have taken priority over cooperating with God in giving life so that God can create souls that will live for all eternity!

Millions of people have been duped into thinking that contraception is legitimate. It is not. It is evil, and is causing much harm to individuals and whole societies. If those who have been deceived into thinking otherwise would pray with an open heart and mind and ask God to show them the truth, He will surely do so.

“When God, in the beginning, created man, he made him subject to his own free choice. If you choose you can keep the commandments; it is loyalty to do His will. There are set before you fire and water; to whichever you choose, stretch forth your hand. Before man are life and death, whichever he chooses shall be given him.” (Sir. 15:14-17)

P.S I just phoned Melissa and asked her to send a family picture I could include with this article. She answered on her cell phone. She told me that she was just coming from Vacation Bible School. She was in charge of the music (she has a beautiful voice). She told me that she had the children raise up their hands and faces as they sang to the Lord, and what a wonderful sight it was to see them singing to Him.

What great joy Melissa’s love for God brings to my heart! I can only imagine the joy she is bringing to the Heart of God!

* If you would like to order the talks by Tom Hummer, call 1-877-463-3461

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Chloe Sember Chloe Sember

Prayer Before Receiving Jesus in Holy Communion


“My Lord Jesus Christ,
I love You above all things.
I firmly believe that I am about to receive,
in Communion,
Your Body, Your Blood,
Your Soul and Your Divinity.
I believe it because You have said it,
and I am ready to give my life
to maintain this truth.”

My God, my God, I love You in the Most Blessed Sacrament!


“My Lord Jesus Christ,
I love You above all things.
I firmly believe that I am about to receive,
in Communion,
Your Body, Your Blood,
Your Soul and Your Divinity.
I believe it because You have said it,
and I am ready to give my life
to maintain this truth.”

We are One Body; pray that all of your brothers and sisters on earth – the whole world – will come to love and adore Our Lord and be faithful members of His Holy Church.

Jesus sits at the right hand of His Father waiting for His enemies to be placed under His Feet. His enemies are satan and the fallen angels who rebel against Him and try to take as many people to hell as possible. These enemies of God will be placed under the feet of Jesus when we, His brothers and sisters, imitate Jesus’ love and humility by adoring Him Who died for us and Who now lovingly and humbly remains here with us under the appearance of bread.

We are His Body. He asks us to do our part in the plan of salvation by adoring Him in the Holy Eucharist and praying that ALL will adore Him.

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Chloe Sember Chloe Sember

A Holy Hour for the Second Lifting of Jesus

There is one thing that will stop the flow of evil…
The Second Lifting

Jesus was lifted up when He died on the Cross for us. He overcame sin and death. But there is still much evil in the world, perhaps more than at any other time in history.

There is one thing that will stop the flow of evil…
The Second Lifting

Jesus was lifted up when He died on the Cross for us. He overcame sin and death. But there is still much evil in the world, perhaps more than at any other time in history. So if Jesus overcame sin and death, why is there still evil on earth? Because Jesus is to be lifted up again. The resurrected Jesus is physically present to the saints and angels in Heaven, and He is physically present here on earth in the tabernacle of every Catholic Church throughout the world. In Heaven He is praised and adored day and night. On earth He is much of the time left alone, dwelling inside the tabernacle, longing for His People to come to Him. His Heart is afire with love for us; He thirsts for our love. It is time for us to acknowledge His Presence with us, to acclaim Him Lord and God by enthroning Him on our altars and adoring Him with great love and reverence. When we do this, He will indeed draw all to men to Himself. Grace will flood the earth. The spiritually blind will see the truth that Jesus is Lord. There will be innumerable miracles of conversion. Abortion will end. Vocations to the priesthood and religious life will be plentiful, and many other wonderful things will come to be.

Jesus humbled Himself and became man. He shed every drop of His Blood for love of us. He did His part. Now the time has come for us to do our part – to enthrone Him and adore Him in the Holy Eucharist. When Heaven and earth are united in adoring the Lamb Who was slain, peace will come to earth. “When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to myself.”

Ask your pastor if your parish can begin holding regularly scheduled Holy Hours of Eucharistic adoration for the purpose of praying for the grace for all mankind to adore Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist. This is a grace God wants to give the world, but we must ask for it. Placing ourselves in the Immaculate Heart of Mary we offer Our Heavenly Father His Eucharistic Son and beg this grace for mankind. Each time even one person adores Our Lord, every man, woman and child on the face of the earth receives grace. Imagine the torrent of graces that will flood the earth when multitudes come in humble adoration! (If you cannot arrange to have these holy hours in your parish, the next best thing to do would be for you and your friends to go before Our Lord and pray for this intention. Your prayers will help lift Jesus high!) Why would you want to offer your prayers for this intention when you have so many personal intentions to pray for? Because if you consecrate yourself to Mary, She will see to your intentions while you pray for the desire of Her Heart: that Her Son be adored. To be sure – you and your loved ones will come out ahead, as will all mankind!

He created all. It is only fitting that all adore Him. Let every faithful heart cry out with great love and desire:

Let the peoples praise You, O God;
let all the peoples praise You!

The cd “Lift Jesus High” is Eucharistic-centered and may be played at the Holy Hour for all mankind to adore Our Eucharistic King.

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Chloe Sember Chloe Sember

Special Holy Hours


In the garden of Gethsemani Jesus asked His apostles to pray one hour with Him. They fell asleep. When Jesus appeared to St. Margaret Mary, He asked her to spend one hour, from 11:00 to midnight on Thursdays, praying and consoling Him in His agony in Gethsemani.


In the garden of Gethsemani Jesus asked His apostles to pray one hour with Him. They fell asleep. When Jesus appeared to St. Margaret Mary, He asked her to spend one hour, from 11:00 to midnight on Thursdays, praying and consoling Him in His agony in Gethsemani. Wishing to respond to Jesus’ desire for prayer during the hour of His agony in the garden, we kneel in the darkened chapel with Jesus on the altar shrouded in a red veil and the red sanctuary lamp His only light. We pray, adore, and ask that by the merits of His Precious Blood that grace would be poured upon our world and the Church. Hoping to console Him, we tell Him of our love for Him. We sing songs of love and pray a chaplet of love. On the Our Father beads, we say the prayer of St. Alphonsus Ligori: “I love You, Jesus, my Love. I am sorry for having offended You. Never permit me to offend Thee again. Grant that I may love You always, and then do with me what You will.” On the Hail Mary beads we pray: “I love You, Jesus, my Love.”


We beg Our Dear Lord to come again in glory. We sing: “Come, Lord Jesus. Come save Your people. Come, Lord Jesus. Come to earth!” If He chooses not to come in glory, we ask Him to come in the Holy Eucharist, and we adore and thank Him for this great gift He has given His Church – Himself as our Food and our Friend with us on earth. WE pray for the coming of His Eucharistic Reign, when He will be enthroned on every altar in the world and adored by all people. We love You, Lord Jesus! Come, save Your people!

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Chloe Sember Chloe Sember

Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, truly present in the Holy Eucharist, I consecrate my body and soul to be entirely one with your heart, being sacrificed at every instant on all the altars of the world and giving praise to the Father, pleading for the coming of His kingdom.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, truly present in the Holy Eucharist, I consecrate my body and soul to be entirely one with your heart, being sacrificed at every instant on all the altars of the world and giving praise to the Father, pleading for the coming of His kingdom. Please receive this humble offering of myself. Use me as you will for the glory of the Father and the salvation of souls.

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, and tender Mother of all people, I consecrate myself to your Immaculate Heart, and recommend to you my family, my country, and the whole human race. Please accept my consecration, dearest Mother, and use me as you wish, to accomplish your designs upon the world. O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth, rule over me, and teach me how to allow the Heart of Jesus to rule and triumph in me and around me, as it has ruled and triumphed in you. Amen.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary, protect us!

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