March 25th - Solemnity of the Annunciation
Sr. Bernadette Marie of the Holy Face & the Sorrowful Mother makes her Final Profession
20 Knights of Columbus led the procession for the Mass of Sr. Bernadette Marie’s Final Vows.
r. Ethan Moore celebrated a beautiful Mass with Fr. Klee, Fr. Bedel, & Fr. Schmitmeyer as concelebrants and Deacon Langenkamp to assist. 3 Seminarians traveled from the Pontifical College Josephinum and another from the Richmond diocese to serve at the Mass. Juniper Baker served beside them.
14 seminarians from the Athanaeum of Ohio formed a schola for this special day – adding reverent accompaniment to the Liturgy.
Dear Sister, what does your heart desire?
My heart’s desire is to vow my life to God as a Sister of Children of Mary
We all knelt as the Litany of Saints was sung – imploring all of Heaven for the grace of perseverance.
Sister Bernadette Marie makes her final profession.
“Mother, I ask you to accept my promise to live a chaste life out of profound love for Jesus, the Spouse of my soul, to live a life of poverty so that I may be attached to nothing or no one except my Lord, to live a life of obedience to Holy Mother Church, to my legitimate Superiors, and to the Rule and Constitutions of Children of Mary, not as a slave bound out of fear, but as a child of Mary who finds joy and freedom in lovingly striving to please God through my obedience. I promise to pray for our archbishop, for abundant and holy priests and to give my life, as a Sister of Children of Mary, to quench the Thirst of Jesus to be loved in the Most Blessed Sacrament – that all will love and adore Him.”
Dear Daughter, I earnestly commend you to God that your gift of self, made one with the sacrifice of the Eucharist, may be brought to perfection. By this perpetual profession, dear daughter, you are now fully and definitively a Sister of Children of Mary and incorporated into our Community with all its rights, favors and privileges. Amen.
Fr. Moore blessed the ring saying, “I bless this ring for you to wear as a sign to all that you are wedded to the Eternal King. Remain faithful to your Bridegroom, trusting in His Love and relying on His Grace, so that you may come to the wedding feast of eternal joy.”
Children of Mary, March 2017