Lyrics & Chords
1. Quietly, Gently
Quietly, gently, Our God reigns
He is here among us
the Lamb Who was slain
Lovingly, reverently, worship Him
with the Seraphim
We proclaim Him Lord and God
He is our King
with all the Saints and Angels
We lift our voices up and sing
Holy, Holy
Jesus, Sacramentalized
Our Bread of Life
When mankind cries out to Him
He will abolish all strife
Lord, save us
Quietly, gently Our God reigns
Our God reigns
2. Litany of Reparation - NEW VERSION TO BE RELEASED SOON!
3. Mercy is a River
Mercy is a river that flows (2x)
From His Side, from a Heart, broken open
Pierced by human pride, it flows
D D2 A7 A
A Heart that never closes, never freezes, never dries
D D2 A7
A Heart that keeps on bleeding as He waits….
for your reply
Mercy is a river dripping down (2x)
A Body bruised, Flesh Divine, ripped open
Beaten, broken, and abused… dripping down
Mercy, silent Mercy, as He hangs upon His Throne
of purpled wood stained with guilt…. of sin
that’s not His own
Consent that speaks eternal from His Heart (2x)
that beats Divine. It bleeds of mercy, bids in patience
Yearns to sanctify… speaks eternal
It looked like life was stolen, nailed down,
without a choice
But from each wound seeps freedom, a hidden yes
a silent voice
Mercy is a river that flows
And from His Side, this river, flows
And from His Heart, this river, flows
Mercy, silent mercy, as He waits…. for your reply
4. Yes, Lord
(Capo – 1)
G D Em G
Your Eyes They follow me where I go
Em G D G
Your Eyes They follow me with love
They pierce right through my soul
Em G
and I cannot say no
Em C E
Yes, Lord, I will go where You lead me
Em C G
Yes, Lord, I will be a sacrifice
Em Am G Am G
Yes, Lord, I give You my life. My heart belongs to You
And I, I will be Your lamb.
Your gaze, it reaches deep inside me
Your gaze, it thirsts to be loved
And I will quench Your thirst
I will not say no
My eyes, they’ll follow You where You go
My gaze will only seek Your Face
and I will love You, Lord
All I am is Yours
5. Ubi Caritas
Ubi Caritas et amore. Ubi Caritas Deus ibi est.
My Lord, Jesus Christ, I love You above all things. I firmly believe that I receive in Communion Your Body, Your Blood, Your Soul and Your Divinity. I believe it because You have said it and I am ready to give my life to maintain this Truth.
6. Fly Away
(Capo – 3)
G D Em C G G C
Here in Your Presence I fly away, fly away,
Fly away, Into Your Love
G D Em C
My Shield, my Defender, O I surrender
G Em C C G G
Into Your Love, Into Your Love, fly away
To the place where there’s no more sorrow
To the place where Your Heart says follow
Fly away into Your Love
Here in Your Presence I hide away, deep within
Tucked away into Your Love
My Strength, my Refuge, my Salvation
Into Your Love, into Your Love, Fly away
Here in Your Presence I melt away, It’s only You
I fade away into Your Love
My Shepherd, my Healer, my Everything
Into Your Heart, Into Your Love, fly away
7. Come Let Us Magnify the Lord
(Capo – 6)
Em D G Em D C D
Fear the Lord, you His holy ones, Fear the Lord.
Em D G
For those who fear the Lord
C Em D C
They will lack no perfect thing.
Trust the Lord, you His servants, Trust the Lord.
For those who trust the Lord
They will never be ashamed
C Am D
Come let us magnify the Lord,
Let His praise be on our lips.
Am Em C
Come let us bless Him at all times.
Em D C
For we have tasted and seen
Em D G
We have tasted and seen.
Seek the Lord, you His children, seek the Lord.
For those who seek the Lord
They will find Him Who redeems
Love the Lord, love and serve Him forever more.
For those who love the Lord
They will see Him face to face
8. Consecration to Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Most Holy Mother Mary, New Eve and Spouse of the Holy Spirit, I entrust and consecrate my life and vocation to your Immaculate Heart. May I be a tiny spark which shoots forth from the Blazing Furnace of your Beautiful Heart to enkindle in this world the fire of love for Jesus Eucharistic. May His Innocent Blood continue to plead for our salvation in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. May His Eucharistic Light pierce the darkness of our minds. May His Eucharistic Power heal and transform the lives broken by sin. May His Eucharistic Love bring unity and peace to the Church; and through your maternal and queenly intercession, may the Lord Jesus Christ take up His Eucharistic Reign of holiness and love in every human heart. Amen.
9. Holy Mary
(Capo – 1)
A7 Em
Holy Mary, pure and lowly
A7 Em G D2 Em
Mother most merciful Cause of our joy
Em G Em
I look to You to lead me
G Em
I look to You to lend Your Yes
C Em
Smile down on me
Am Em C D2
Hide me in Your love that love may set me free
Reach out Your hands to heal me
Stretch out Your arms to hold me close
Smile down on me
Teach me Your laugh that joy may set me free
Em G Em
Mother of Truth, Mother of Grace, Mother of Trust,
G Em G Em
Mother of Faith… of Hope, Mother of Love Mother of God (2x)
10. Closing Prayer
11. Jesus Mary I love You! Save Souls! (2x) Jesus Mary I love You! (2x) Jesus Mary I love You! Save souls! I will think of everything. You think only of loving Me. The more that you love Me, the happier that you will be and every act of love will save a soul.