Enthronement Movement USA

In honor of the one-year anniversary of the Solemn Enthronement of Jesus as King at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center on November 24, 2019, we pray that this video will inflame hearts with a greater love for Jesus, Our Eucharistic King.

We love You, Jesus, Our King!

To see the video of the Solemn Enthronement of Jesus as King at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center in Cincinnati, OH, and to learn more about the Enthronement Movement, follow this link:


Click below for an article written by Paul Suski, an author in Poland, and published by on-line U.S. Catholic magazines.It is a very beautiful, informative, and inspiring article on the enthronement of Jesus as King of America. Paul is now praying a 54-day Rosary novena for this intention that will end on December 8, the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Paul is also praying for and TO the Holy Souls in purgatory, asking for their intercession.

Please pray for Jesus to be enthroned King of America by both Church AND civil authorities.

All things are possible with God! If we pray and trust, it WILL happen!

God bless America, and Mary keep her!


November 21, 2020

